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Job Fair FGAG 2023, Split

Job Fair FGAG 2023, Split

Yesterday, we attended the first job fair organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split.

We are proud to say we participated as a gold sponsor, and excited to share that we truly had a great time!

Among 20 other companies, we presented LAMA to students and visitors, providing them insight into our work.

Our developers, Tea Milovac and Karlo Vrdoljak, gave a presentation with a live demo, introducing our new digital platform specially designed for the needs of FGAG: `Portal stručne prakse`, It's connecting students, companies, and professors, simplifying the internship process and expediting the entire procedure.

Congratulations to FGAG for the excellent organization of their first fair!


LAMA l.t.d
Stinice 12, Split, Croatia

Email: info@lama.hr 
Phone: +385 (21) 270-270
Email: podrska@lama.hr 

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